Saturday, August 6, 2016

Are you happy with your life?

It is a tough question when I ask people whether they are happy with what life had offered or is offering now. Many have answered I would like to undo many of my mistakes, avoid all the troubles that I had to face.

Well given a choice wouldnt we all want to lead a life full of only happiness? We would have luxury as our top priority and forget all the pain staking work that we do to earn our living. The negativities wouldnt have existed. But think for a minute. What good would it have done to us? We are because of our decisions- be it good or bad. If it was good we are happy, if it was bad we are humble. How boring would life had been had it not for the obstacles that come our way.

Looking back at life I do feel some unnecessary decisions should have been avoided. Some childish attitude should have been curbed. But as they say with time you become more wise, I realised that they were not to be repeated. The uncertainty of life is what makes it so sweet. You keep on planning for a future you know not. Had it been  your choice of life, I bet no one would have ever liked the word "Challenge". Life would have been dull. So you need negativity to remain firm with positive belief.You need obstacles to test your skills, your patience.

I dont want to alter my life. Whatever gone is gone. Maybe for good. What is upfront I know not. Still I am hopeful to deal with every situation with utmost maturity and yes a cool mind. If success can make a man King overnight, tragedy will make him humble. All our greatest poets, musicians,painters had to go through immense pain to come out unscathed and ever shining as a diamond.

At the end before I breathe my last I would like to say that I lived life on my own terms no matter how good or bad the situation was. I am responsible for what I am today and may Almighty forgive me for something I didnt do right.


  1. Well Anushmita, a white canvas isn't interesting at all. It draws our attention when someone paints on it with varied colours. The contrasting shades make it more interesting!! Similar it is with life. Happiness is our choice. Despite the odd we all can remain happy. And yes, the challenges of life make it more interesting and the happiness is doubled when we overcome these challenges and emerge a winner. With that I would like to add, every slip and fall helps us grow, every mistake leaves a lesson behind it. So at the end of the day we are all happy if only we follow the dictates of our conscience and remain true to ourselves.

  2. Looking back, I think, anyone would feel the same way - that many things could have been done differently. But the past cannot be erased or altered. Maybe, the lessons can be used for forging the future better.

  3. A very thoughtful post! I'm sure everyone of us have given a thought like this at one point of time, no matter how their life is! The crux is to be happy with whatever choices you made.


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